Cara Agar Video Youtube Banyak VIeW

. Senin, 03 Maret 2014
Baru baca dari wallnya mastih River maya, kaidah cerdas yang bisa dilakukan adalah:

Another tip to get traffic to your videos.
Do a search on Youtube for your keyword and find a video
with a lot of views.
Now COPY the username of the owner of that video,
then go to your own video and add that username as
one of your TAGS, if you can add it as the first Tag, better.
What is going to happen now?
Now your video will start showing on the related videos
next to that video that it is getting a lot of views ...
you know what that means? that means that people will start
clicking on your video, because Youtube is recommending it

Simpel namun secara logika bisa banget dipraktekan.

Bagi Ente yang suka bikin blog bertemakan Movie dari Youtube, aku nemu theme wordpress yang keren dan otomatis bisa bikn Thumb dari movie youtubenya secara otomatis.

Movie Theme ( bisa di beli di Sini, Murah kog)

Kerenbro Theme (Bisa di beli di sini)

Dua theme itu pernah aku pake, dan keren semua. Pembayaran bisa pake dolar paypal, maupun rupiah dengan mengkontak developernya melalui helpdesk.

Kembali ke tema, dengan membikin blog khusus koleksi video-videomu juga nantinya bisa menambah page view lho.. :).

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